MuniCast Monthly Variance Analysis Model

The MuniCast Monthly Variance Analysis Model, specifically designed for local governments, is a 100% Excel-based financial model that helps the user to more accurately measure financial performance and proactively identify potential future budget variances. The model allows the user to:

·       Select from a variety of automated techniques for allocating annual budgets into accurate and detailed monthly revenue and expenditure budgets;
·       Analyze budget vs. actual variances on a monthly, year-to-date and prior year basis;
·       Create year-end estimates and measure projected year-end variances vs. budget;
·       Download actual and revised budget data from any accounting system, and;
·       Create reporting and analysis templates for your organization’s management reporting process.

The model also includes an assortment of financial reports, chart galleries, and analytical templates customized to meet any organization’s analysis and reporting requirements. Many local governments incorporate the
MuniCast model into their monthly management reporting, budget analysis and preparation, and long-term financial planning processes.

Sample Screenshots - [Click on Charts to Expand]

Example: Variance Analysis Table, measures monthly, year-to-date, prior-year and projected year-ending budget variances

Example: 4-Quadrant Trend and Variance Analysis, shows 48-month and moving average trends and budget vs. actual variances, including options for selecting Fund and Account

Example: Monthly Cash Flow projections and Short-term Borrowing Requirements

Other Examples: Chart Gallery of major revenue and expenditures, customized to meet user's specific reporting requirements, includes option for selecting individual or consolidated funds. Each chart includes year-to-date actuals vs. budget and prior years, and Year End estimates.

See a Custom Demonstration!
To view the type of data required to populate the MuniCast model, and/or to see a customized demonstration using actual financial data from your organization, download the Data Collection Template to the right and email GFRG at

MuniCast Data Collection Template