MuniCast Financial Models
Since 2004, MuniCast financial models have provided local governments with the means to create interactive multi-year financial forecasts, historic trend and statistical analysis, and monthly budget vs. actual variance analysis. Both the annual forecasting and monthly variance analysis models are 100% Excel-based and can be custom adapted to meet any organization’s financial planning, analysis and reporting requirements.

MuniCast financial models have been implemented at more than 200 local governments and public agencies throughout the US, Australia and Canada, including cities, counties, school districts, water and sewer utilities, transportation agencies, parks and recreation, and other special districts. MuniCast has also been selected as a financial planning solution by Federal and state agencies.

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MuniCast Presentation 2024

MuniCast Annual Forecasting Model

The MuniCast annual financial forecasting model allows users to immediately construct long-range projections of revenues and expenditures, as well as multiple economic, spending and debt scenarios.

The MuniCast model features interactive presentation formats that allow users to adjust key variables, "on the fly," to test the potential impact of multiple revenue and spending scenarios on cash flows and fund balances, extending out as far as 20 years.



Interactive Sensitivity Analysis

Create financial pro forma illustrating revenues, expenditures and fund balance projections consistent with your organization's budgets and financial statements. Interactive menus allow the user to select individual or consolidated funds for presenting historic, budgeted and forecast financial information.

Revenue Analysis - Historic Review and Forecast
Measure and illustrate historic revenues, correlating economic indicators, key revenue drivers, and forecasts including a range of possible outcomes.

Example: Property Tax Indicators and Forecast

Example: Parks and Recreation Revenues, Expenditures and Net Costs

Create Customized Financial Pro Forma and Cash Flow Summaries

* Key Variable Sensitivity Analysis

The interactive model allows for presentation of numerous financial scenarios over forecast periods ranging from 1 to 20 years. Unlike typical 5-year spreadsheet projections, MuniCast can readily depict, graphically and tabularly, the potential impacts of programs with longer range financial implications, such as proposed revenue and debt strategies, employee pension and healthcare plans, and capital programs.

* Easy to Use Model based on Microsoft® Excel**

MuniCast is based on Microsoft® Excel** and comes with a detailed user's manual and sample financial forecast. Financial managers and analysts can learn to use the model almost immediately, and can also modify copied versions of the base model to meet their changing needs.

* Projects Fund Balances and Key Financial Metrics

The MuniCast model can project fund balances and key financial metrics out to 20 years, based on the selected forecast horizon, revenue, spending, debt and other program scenarios. Graphic and tabular data presentation clearly demonstrates the potential impact of various financial scenarios, which can be an especially helpful visual aid for meetings and public presentations.

* Interactive Template Integrated with Operating Pro Forma

MuniCast's key variable sensitivity analysis is integrated with operating and capital pro forma templates, allowing users to view alternative financial statement projections.

* Consolidate Multiple Funds

Users can create multiple fund scenarios (eg. General Fund, Special Revenue, Enterprise and other funds) and consolidate results into organization-wide financial projections.

* Diagnostic and Benchmarking Analysis

MuniCast includes data-input templates that allow you to generate a wide variety of diagnostic and benchmarking analyses.

* Customization Services and Customer Support

GFRG provides model customization services at very competitive rates. GFRG also provides help desk support for no additional charge.

** Note: Microsoft, Encarta, MSN, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Data Visualization and MuniCast
Economic, financial and operating data used in MuniCast models can also be visualized in online, interactive presentations.